Meet our Pastor

Senior Pastor
Matt Vogel

Hello, and thank you for looking into our family here at Grace.  I’ve had the privilege of being a part of the family here since 8th grade when I started attending the church youth group.  Over time, and in growing in my own walk with Christ, I knew He was calling me to full time ministry.  I am really passionate about connecting others to God, making disciples, and following Jesus together.  I was first hired at Grace in 2008 and served in many different roles.  Over time, through God’s leading, I felt very confident in the call to be Sr. Pastor here.  Through all areas of my life, and over many years, God has prepared me to serve Him and this family in this capacity.  Part of that was working through my undergrad and graduate degree through Moody Bible Institute and Moody Theological Seminary.  It’s my absolute joy and honor to serve here and follow Jesus alongside of this family,

Beyond the joy of pastoring this church my greater joy is being the husband and dad God has allowed me to be.  My wife, Megan and I got married in the summer of 2008, and have been blessed with 3 incredible children, Norah, Evelyn, and Caleb.  We are so thrilled to be at Grace, and hope you will join us in the journey of making disciples who make disciples.  Again, thank you for looking into our family.  I hope and pray that you will find your home as a part of the church family here at Grace.  Have a great day! 

Meet our Staff

Cameren Martinez

Worship Pastor

I became a follower of Christ in my first couple of years of college working as a jazz drummer and fire sprinkler designer. I soon joined a faithful church and immediately began serving the Lord through music, evangelism, and in student ministry. I married Christina in 2009 & we have 2 sons, Daniel & Owen. In 2016, I had the opportunity to attend the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary by playing, traveling, and recording with the Norton Hall Band as their drummer. During the four years I was there, I earned a Master of Arts in Worship Leadership degree. I then returned to Arizona and began serving various churches as a Worship Leader and Director of Worship Arts. I enjoy reading with my family, graphic design, writing music, and listening to live music. I am excited to serve the people at Grace and the surrounding community of Davenport!

Markus Murphy

Youth Pastor

Hello, my name is Markus and I am the Youth Pastor here at Grace. I have been attending since 2023 and while attending, I felt the Lord calling me to serve with the youth. As a full time Firefighter for the City of East Moline, I knew that my days off could be spent serving the Lord. I graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 2018 and having done some ministry at different churches and nonprofits, I have continued seeking ways to serve Jesus in any capacity I can.  As the Lord presented the opportunity to do ministry at Grace, I have found great joy in serving the body here leading the youth in Bible studies, building relationships with the students, and occasionally winning a game of ping pong when I get the chance. My greatest desire as the Youth Pastor here at Grace is to be an example of Christ, to care for my youth leaders and their spiritual walk, and to help build or continue to fortify the students' relationships with Jesus. The youth leaders and myself are excited to partner with and serve all that come to Grace whether you are new or have made this your home church. Thank you and blessings to you!

Debbie Anderson

Administrative Secretary

When my husband, Larry, and I first stepped through the doors of Grace we knew immediately that this was the church where we wanted to grow, serve, and raise our family.  At the time, we had our little 2-year-old daughter and another on the way.  That was back in 1985 and we’re grateful to God for a faithful church family who have helped us grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord as well as participate in nurturing our 3 children, Stefanie, David, and Melanie. I’ve had the privilege of serving in the church office for over 30 years! (Yes, I’ve been around for a while!)  We’ve witnessed God bless Grace with growth, both spiritually and physically.  I can honestly say, I’ve never dreaded a single day that I’ve had to come into work!   I love serving as Administrative Secretary, I love my Savior whom I serve, and I love His Church, whom He gave His life for!

Liz Erdmann

Communications Coordinator

I’m a Quad City native, who loves the Midwest! I graduated from Davenport West High School, and Western Illinois University. I became a Christian in 1986, married Michael in 1988, & together we have 5 kids. We love traveling and have been blessed to have gone to all 50 states.   We came to Grace in 2022 and love the people here & their hearts for God. Besides watching our granddaughters, we both love to study the Bible & walk daily.  I love to garden, & take care of our backyard hens. My favorite verse is Philippians 1:21: “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

Meet our Leaders

Denny Martin

Elder Chairman

Wayne Allen


Dave Brummitt

Deacon Chairman

John Graves

Deacon of Administration

Jason Flenker

Deacon of Body Life

Joe Urmy

Deacon of Christian Education

Steve Van Ness

Deacon of Building Services

Todd Woods

Deacon of Sunday Ministries