Global Partners

It is time to prayerfully consider what God would have you give to missions in 2024. The money we give as a church to our 9 ministry partners is not a budgeted item, but rather a pledged amount. If you would like to learn more about Faith Promise or our ministry partners, please contact Jimmy Bollinger or Nathan Adams, and have a look at the "Meet our Ministry Partners" bulletin board just outside the nursery. Pledge cards are available at the entrance to the Worship Center (gym), or you may pledge online.

 We are collecting Faith Promise pledges now through Sunday, January 7th, 2024.

Click below to fill out your pledge form online.

Also, as a reminder, it is not too late to fulfill your pledges for 2023. You can easily give your Faith Promise online through FaithStreet.

Click HERE and select “Missions” from the dropdown window.

God is at work as never before. People all over the world are coming to the saving knowledge of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. But at the same time, Satan is doing everything he can to counter this movement. Satan knows his time is short and drawing to a close. This means there is war in the Heavenlies. As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have two distinct roles:

  • We are called to share the gospel with all those around us.

  • We are called to pray.

Pray for our Global Partners as part of your daily prayer life.