Sermons 2023

1/1/23 - "Live as Children of Light" - Ephesians 5:8 - Wayne Allen

Sermon Notes

1/8/23 - “Transform - Series Recap” - Pastor Matt Vogel

Sermon Notes

1/15/23 - Multiply - “Who We Are” - Matthew 5:13-16 - Pastor Matt Vogel

Sermon Notes

1/22/2023 - Multiply - “Who We Are and What We Do" - John 15:12-17 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

Sermon Notes

1/29/2023 - Multiply - “What Is Entrusted To Us" - Luke 19:11-27 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

Sermon Notes

2/5/22 - Helmut Welke was our guest speaker on Sunday! He spoke on "Human Genetics and the Bible"

2/12/2023 - "Multiply: How To Be Faithful" - Matthew 13:1-9; 18-23 ESV - Matt Vogel

Click HERE for a copy of the sermon notes!

2/19/2023 - "Multiply: Great Things" from Mark 5:18-20 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

Click HERE for a copy of the sermon notes, click HERE for the extra attachment on the Greatness of our God!

2/26/2023 - "Multiply: Living on Mission" - Luke 10:1-23 ESV - Matt Vogel

Click HERE for a copy of the sermon notes.

3/5/2023 - "Love One Another, As I have Loved You" from John 13:34-35 NASB95 - Randy Vogel

Click HERE for a copy of the sermon notes.

3/12/2023 - Vision Recap - Pastor Matt Vogel

Click HERE for a copy of the sermon notes.

3/19/2023 - Great Commission from Matthew 28:18-20 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

Click HERE for sermon notes.

3/26/2023 - “The Foundation is Laid” - Ezra 3:11 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

4/2/2023 - Palm Sunday! Pastor Matt spoke on “Jesus On Our Terms” from John 12:12-13 ESV

4/9/23 - Easter Sunday! - “This is Our God” - Colossians 1:13-14 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

4/16/23 - A Walk Through Psalms - “Which Path to Walk?” - Psalm 1 - Pastor Matt Vogel

4/23/23 - "The Lord Reigns" - Psalm 2 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

4/30/23 - "Hymns" - Psalm 24 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

Click HERE to view a graphic Pastor Matt referenced in his sermon on Sunday.

5/7/23 - "Hymns" - Psalm 103 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

5/14/23 - "Praising God With Joy" - Psalm 100 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

5/21/23 - “Lessons for Lament” - Psalm 31 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

Click HERE to view a helpful tool for understanding laments that Pastor Matt referenced.

5/28/2023 - “The Antidote for Despair” - Psalm 42 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

6/4/23 - “Jesus’ Lament” - Psalm 22 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

6/11/23 - “The Significance of a Greeting” - Romans 16:16 NASB - Randy Vogel

6/18/23 - “Who Shall Never Be Moved” Psalm 30 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

6/25/23 - “Why We Can Rest” - Psalm 116 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

7/2/23 - “Thanksgiving” - Psalm 32 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

7/9/23 - “A Goat and A Jawbone” - Judges 15 ESV - Gerad Hall

7/16/23 - “A Blind Pillar” - Judges 16 ESV - Gerad Hall

7/23/23 - “Trust in God to Bring Restoration” - Isaiah 40:1-11 ESV - Jimmy Bollinger

7/30/23 - “Statements of Confidence” - Psalm 16 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

8/6/23 - “I Shall Not Want” - Psalm 23:1 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

8/13/23 - “Christ Our Shepherd Leader” - Psalm 23:2 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

8/20/23 - “He Restores My Soul” - Psalm 23:3 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

8/27/23 - “I Will Fear No Evil” - Psalm 23:4 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

9/3/23 - “My Cup Overflows” - Psalm 23:5 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

9/10/23 - “Everything is Going to Be Ok” - Psalm 23:6 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

9/17/23 - “Psalm 23 Recap - Psalm 23 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

9/24/23 - “What to Do With Change” - 1 Chronicles 29 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

10/1/23 - “The Lord Reigns” - Psalms 93 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

10/8/23 - “How to Respond” - Psalms 96 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

10/15/23 - Hebrews 12:1-3 ESV - Jimmy Bollinger

10/22/23 - “Genre Worship” - Psalm 19 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

10/29/23 - “Fret Not” - Psalm 37 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

11/5/23 - “Divine Kingship and Worship” - Recap of the past 2 Genres - Psalm 93, 96, 19, 37 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

11/12/23 - “3 Promises for Abiding in Christ” - John 15 ESV - Wayne Allen

11/19/23 - “A Walk Through Psalms Recap” - Psalms 1 and 2 ESV - Pastor Matt Vogel

11/26/23- Pastor Matt Vogel will be teaching from John 9:39 ESV

12/3/23 Today is Missions Sunday so guest speaker and missionary Brian Hogan will be teaching about "Unleashing the Gospel".

12/10/23 Today is our second week of advent. Pastor Matt Vogel will be leading us through Mark 10:45 ESV.

12/17/23 Today is our third week of advent and Pastor Matt Vogel will be continuing the series "Why He Came." Today's sermon will be focused on John 10:10 ESV.

12/24/23 Today is our fourth week of advent and Pastor Matt Vogel will be continuing the series "Why He Came". Today's sermon will be focused on 1 John 3:8 ESV.

12/31/23 Today, Pastor Matt Vogel will be leading us through John 5:8 ESV titled "Get Up and Walk".